Increase your success with our Kick It and Quit Workshop!

For less than what you spend for a two-week supply of cigarettes this program is a proven, effective tool that will help you quit smoking by minimizing cravings and the anxiety that often comes with quitting smoking. At this workshop learn to overcome the lifestyle habits that trigger you to smoke.

After the workshop schedule your 3 sessions of auriculotherapy to stop smoking in 3 days. With this approach there is a 90% Success Rate in 3 Sessions. It is similar to acupuncture but there are no needles, side effects or contraindications.

Therapy Plus Workshop: $199

Therapy Only: $165

For more information: 513-931-4300
For tickets click here!


Here’s what our patients are saying about auriculotherapy to stop smoking:

“When I first came to see Dr. Jahnke for auriculotherapy, I had been trying for several  years to stop smoking/using tobacco. I had tried patches and gums and every treatment I could find but nothing was working.

I had 3 short (~ 10 minutes) sessions of auriculotherapy. They were very simple and actually calming.

On the morning of my first session I threw out the last of my nicotine patches and gums and have had no need for them since. The physical and mental benefits of being nicotine free have dramatically improved my quality of life.”

– James B

“I was a smoker for a long time and I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed about every cigarette I ever smoked. I knew the risks and I did quit a few times, only to begin again when the next little trauma entered my life. I thought that when my husband quit smoking that I would be able to quit also… but I didn’t. Last year when Dr. Jahnke told me about auriculotherapy, I was intrigued but I think in the back of my mind I felt like this would be one more case of quitting for a while, only to begin again.

When I went for the first session, I still had a few cigarettes left, which I did smoke before the second session. I don’t know that I even envisioned myself being a non-smoker. After the second session I was finished. It wasn’t that I didn’t want another cigarette – it was more like I just didn’t smoke another cigarette. In a couple weeks it will be a year since I smoked my last cigarette. There are still moments of wanting to smoke a cigarette, but I just don’t follow through. There are moments when I think I’ll just stop somewhere to buy a pack… but it, too, passes and I just don’t follow through. The best part is that it’s not a struggle to not smoke and I can just push the thoughts away. They are just thoughts and not cravings. It’s like part of my brain will say “this is what you have done in the past in this situation” but another part of my brain is saying “yes, but you don’t have to do that now”.

– Nancy