by Apex Chiro | Apr 5, 2018 | Chiropractic Care, Events, Natural Alternatives
Increase your success with our Kick It and Quit Workshop! For less than what you spend for a two-week supply of cigarettes this program is a proven, effective tool that will help you quit smoking by minimizing cravings and the anxiety that often comes with quitting...
by Apex Chiro | Jan 23, 2015 | Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness, Natural Alternatives
The Apex is the highest point, the vertex, or the point where things come together. The triad of health is basically the three major components that make up our beings, the physical, mental and chemical aspects of ourselves. I like to think of the Apex of health as...
by Laurie Jahnke | Jan 23, 2015 | Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness, Natural Alternatives
Health greatly impacts our vitality and our ability to be our best selves in our lives, including in our families, relationships, recreational activities and work. Eighty percent of diseases in the United States are a result of lifestyle choices. Eighty percent!!!...
by Laurie Jahnke | Jan 23, 2015 | Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness, Natural Alternatives
I know many of you have felt this way or know someone that does. They are tired, maybe gained a few pounds (or more) in the past year or so, maybe a little blue or maybe really depressed, they have another complaint or two, some they have lived with for so long they...
by Laurie Jahnke | Jan 23, 2015 | Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness, Natural Alternatives
“The First Wealth is Health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson What is the true value of chiropractic care? Perhaps a better question is what is the true value of the results you hope to achieve with chiropractic care. For a migraine sufferer, who even with costly medications is...